Changing the Conversation
As a supporter of prevention, our coalition acknowledges the importance of language in regards to the stigmatization of persons with mental health and/or substance use disorders. In an effort to better our initiatives and to reduce stigma, Pasco ASAP has been undergoing its own re-branding, starting with removing the term ‘abuse’ in our name.
Building upon this momentum, we are launching a campaign to challenge each of us to transform the dialogue on addiction and reduce stigma in our community. We must recognize the prevalence of mental health and substance use disorders and re-educate not only ourselves but friends, family and the community as a whole.
The truth is that persons with substance use disorders do recover and that it is a treatable and manageable medical condition; not a moral failing or a character flaw. The Surgeon General reports that only 1 in 10 Americans with a substance use disorder seek treatment. Stigma erodes self-esteem, damages relationships and creates barriers to health seeking behaviors; fueling a public health crisis in America.
#EndStigmaASAP #ChangetheLanguageASAP
Use these hashtags when you post on social media to promote the campaign and awareness to help further reduce stigma and educate others. Post your selfies with thoughts, statements, and what you’re doing to reduce stigma!
Take our stigma survey and be entered into a drawing to win a prize!! Help us to learn about the stigma trends in our community; it takes less than 3 min!
Take the Pledge
Change starts first with ourselves…
When stigma is reduced, lives are saved. Be a part of the change to turn conversations about mental health and substance use into those that help and allow people to heal, rather than those that hinder and humiliate.
I pledge to be an advocate to change the conversation on substance use; to assist in re-educating those around me regarding the stereotypes and stigma and the barrier it creates in seeking treatment and care. I pledge to use person-first language to help clear the path to health-seeking behavior.
66 people have taken the pledge!
Stigma Campaign Toolkit:
Changing the language to end stigma requires not only an effort on behalf of ourselves, but the community as a whole. As part of the pledge, we ask that people pledge not only to re-educate themselves to make a difference, but to re-educate those around us including friends, family, and neighbors.
In that effort, we have created a toolkit to help individuals and organizations increase awareness on the power of words and the importance of changing the conversation on addiction and mental health. This kit provides tips, tools and resources for distributing information in our community.
- Email Banner:
Promote awareness about the campaign and encourage people to take the pledge. Just add the banner to your signature!
Click Here - Language Matters:
Download the pledge card and language matters chart as an easy reference tool to change the language in your everyday setting.
Click Here - Community Presentation:
Educate yourself, co-workers, and peers by giving a presentation about stigma; what it looks like, how it is experienced, and how to make a positive change. Change starts first with ourselves!
Click here - Dealing with Stigma Worksheet:
Use this worksheet to build skills on how to deal with stigma and enhance coping skills.
Click here