A series that focuses on the challenges teens and parents face and how to empower them to overcome adversity and make healthy decisions.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 843 8722 6792
“Empowering Our Teens” is a series of free workshops. Join us virtually over lunch as we discuss the challenges teens and parents face and how we can empower our teens to overcome adversity. We’ll discuss a series of topics which support parents and empower teens to make healthy decisions. Register now for any of our topics below, Thursday’s 12pm-1pm.
December Topics
DEC 1: Anxiety & depression in teens
DEC 8: Bullying: Be A Buddy, Not A Bully
DEC 15: Developing Children’s Self-Esteem & Positive Self-Talk
DEC 22: No Webinar: Holiday Week
DEC 29: Decision making skills
January Topics
JAN 5: How to talk to your teen about drugs
JAN 12: How to talk to your teen about suicide
JAN 19: How to talk to your teen about dating & dating violence
JAN 26: How to talk to your teen about anything
Email Missy.Coyle@baycare.org if you have any questions or need additional assistance.